Friday, 20 September 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Day of Memory and Grief
22 Jun 2013
A wreath-laying ceremony to the Grave of Unknown Soldier and the monument of Georgy Zhukov, coinciding with the Day of Memory and Grief—the anniversary of the start of Great Patriotic War in 1941—and the Victory Parade of 1945, took place in Kremlin’s Alexander Garden
Mustafa Hazrat Kütükçü Given Highest Muslim Award of Russia
19 Jun 2013
The staff and the leadership of Russia Muftis Council and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims heartily congratulated RMC Deputy Chairman, imam khatib of Moscow Jum’ah Mosque Mustafa hazrat Kütükçü with the 20th anniversary of his work in the Muftis Council.
A Delegation From Bahrain Visited Russia Muftis Council
19 Jun 2013
A delegation of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Bahrain, headed by Chairman of the Committee of International Affairs, Defense and National Security of the House of Deputies of Bahrain Abdul Rahman Rashid Bumajid, visited Russia Muftis Council
Russia and Kazakhstan: Dialogue of Cultures and Religions in the Name of Peace
18 Jun 2013
Head of Russia Muftis Council mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin met with the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Qairat Abdirazaquly Mami who is currently heading a parliamentary delegation of Kazakh Republic in Russia
More Than Ten Thousand People Visited Moscow Halal Expo
18 Jun 2013
International exhibition Moscow Halal Expo 2013, which took place between June 13 and 16 in the 75th exhibition hall of All-Russia Exhibition Center, was visited by more than 10 thousand people from over 30 countries
Finalists of “Best Halal Product of the Year” Announced
17 Jun 2013
At the closing ceremony of International Exhibition “Moscow Halal Expo”, organizers handed out certificates of participation to all the exhibitors and announced the winners of the “Best Halal Product of the Year” contest
Best Halal Companies of the Year Announced at Halal Expo
17 Jun 2013
Organizers of Moscow Halal Expo, international exhibition that took part between June 13 and 16, announced best halal companies of the year
Second Halal Food Show Has Ended in Moscow
17 Jun 2013
Festival of National Cuisine of Muslim Peoples, organized by Russia Muftis Council and International Center of Standardization and Certification “Halal”, which was a part of Moscow Halal Expo, has been concluded in Moscow
Russia and Kyrgyzstan Signed Memorandum of Cooperation in the Field of Islamic Finance and Halal Industry
17 Jun 2013
Economic Department of Russia Muftis Council, represented by its head Madina Emirovna Kalimullina, and the Committee for Development of Islamic Economy of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, city of Bishkek, represented by its chairman Talant Kaldarovich Kerimbaev, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation within the framework of IV International Exhibition “Moscow Halal Expo” on June 16, 2013
A New Muslim Fashion Collection Was Launched at Moscow Halal Expo
16 Jun 2013
Fourth International Festival “Islamic Style” took place the previous day in the course of Moscow Halal Expo 2013
From Passivity to Action!
15 Jun 2013
Second Muslim Youth Forum, titled ”From Passivity to Action. It’s Time To Make Changes”, which was a part of Moscow Halal Expo, was officially concluded today
A Session of Islamic Business Practice Took Place in Business Forum
14 Jun 2013
A session of Islamic business practice was concluded today in Business Forum, which is a part of Moscow Halal Expo 2013
Participants of Moscow Halal Expo Discussed the Development of Halal Industry in Non-Muslim Countries
14 Jun 2013
Speakers from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Russia and Belarus delivered speeches at the session devoted to the question of standardization in halal industry, which took place within the framework of Moscow Halal Expo
Prospects of Islamic Finance in Russia Discussed on Business Forum
14 Jun 2013
IV Islamic Finance and Investment Forum was held within the framework of international exhibition Moscow Halal Expo 2013. Leading experts in theory and practice of Islamic finance organized their workshops during the forum
Moscow Halal Expo Welcomed More Than a Thousand Visitors on Its Opening Day
13 Jun 2013
According to preliminary data, more than a thousand people visited the exhibition on its first day
Experts Predict Great Future for Halal Market
13 Jun 2013
Speakers and participants of Moscow International Halal Congress agreed that the opportunities arising on halal market are tremendous
Heads of Religious Organizations Stay Sure in the Benefit of Halal Products
13 Jun 2013
In his address at the opening ceremony of Moscow Halal Expo 2013, Zinovii Kogan, head of the Congress of Jewish Religious Communities and Organizations of Russia, encouraged his coreligionists to attend the exhibition
Moscow City Government Stressed the Importance of Such Events As Moscow Halal Expo
13 Jun 2013
The opening ceremony of 4th International Exhibition “Moscow Halal Expo 2013” that took place in 75th exhibition hall of All-Russian Exhibition Center, was attended by delegates of Moscow City Government, deputies of Russian State Duma, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of Arab and Muslim countries, foreign delegations from various countries
Head of RMC Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin Called for Muslim Entrepreneurs to Maintain High Moral Level
13 Jun 2013
During the opening ceremony of Moscow Halal Expo, Head of Russia Muftis Council, leader of Russia’s Muslims mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin delivered a speech to the audience, in which he called for Muslim businessmen to maintain high moral level and fair trade competition
Moscow Halal Expo Broadcast
13 Jun 2013
The opening ceremony of an international exhibition Moscow Halal Expo is going to take place on Thursday, June 13

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