Tuesday, 22 October 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles / Islam in mass media
KazanSummit combats ISIS with counterpropaganda, education and symbols
21 May 2016
International Economic Summit of Russia and OIC countries started on Thursday in Kazan
"We call upon our countrymen to remain watchful" - Rushan Abbyasov
16 Nov 2015
"They dare call themselves Islamic State but there is nothing Islamic about them"
State Duma backs law protecting religious texts from extremism claims
11 Nov 2015
The lower house of the Russian parliament approved a law that prohibits portrayal of canonical religious texts, including the Bible and the Quran, as extremist materials
Palestine thanks Russia for support
2 Jul 2015
Palestine thanks Russia for support in many affairs, said the Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad al-Maliki
German Chancellor Merkel joins iftar, calls Islam 'part of Germany'
1 Jul 2015
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has attended an iftar for the first time as the German head of government, repeating once again that Islam "is a part of Germany"
Turkey's Presidency of Religious Affairs published first Qur'an in Armenian language
7 May 2015
"We hope that people not familiar with Islam will be able to acquaint themselves with its mercy through the Armenian translation of the Holy Qur'an," said the Presidency's director of religious publishing Yuksel Salman
Ramzy Baroud: ‘Islamic State’ as a western phenomenon
18 Mar 2015
No matter how one attempts to wrangle with the rise of IS, the movement - as explainable historical circumstance - just doesn't add up
The new issue of Afisha magazine is devoted to Moscow Muslims
16 Feb 2015
The new issue of Afisha magazine that went on sale recently is devoted to the everyday life of Moscow Muslims. It is remarkable that the editorial staff sincerely tried to find out why second largest religion of Russia still mostly live in the shadow, why Moscow Muslims who number at least 300,000 (according to the different estimates, Moscow is home to 1 to 2 million Muslims, - editorial note) have only four mosques in the city
Terrorism cannot be justified
7 Jan 2015
Russia Muftis Council, Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation strongly condemn the terrorist act in Paris where several people died or were injured after an attack on the office of Charlie Hebdo journal that has been publishing caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (S) for the last few years
Head of Australian National Security: "We should be thanking Muslims!"
2 Sen 2014
David Irvine, Director-General of Security of Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, told that Australian citizens should thank their Muslim countrymen for their help in fighting terrorism instead of blaming them for every sin possible
Russian nationals bought up all hajj quota ahead of schedule
16 Aug 2014
16,400 hajj tickets for Russia's Muslims provided by Saudi Arabia were bought up ahead of schedule, according to RMC deputy chairman Rushan hazrat Abbyasov
Media coverage of the charitable activity of Muslim organizations can lower the level of Islamopohobia
13 Dec 2013
Mass media coverage of the charitable activity of the Muslim community of Russia can decrease the level of Islamophobia in society, says the head of Russian Muslimas Union Nailya Ziganshina
Rushan hazrat Abbyasov: Islam has nothing to do with terrorism
24 Oct 2013
On Thursday, Octover 24, Rushan hazrat Abbyasov, deputy chairman of Russia Muftis Council, made a statement on the recent tragic events for the media in the press center of Argumenty i Fakty weekly
Media Carelessness is Inexcusable!
23 Oct 2013
Anar hazrat Ramazanov, headmaster of Islamic school "Kawthar", denied journalist claim that one of the organizers of terrorist attack in Volgograd was a student of his school, and urged the media to present apologies for misinformation and libel

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