Saturday, 04 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > News > Damir Mukhetdinov meets French expert Marie Dumoulin

Damir Mukhetdinov meets French expert Marie Dumoulin Yesterday Damir Mukhetdinov, First Deputy Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, the principal of the Moscow Islamic Institute, met Marie Dumoulin, a French diplomat and expert in the relationships between the Orthodox Church and the authorities, who works in the Centre of Analysis, Forecasting and Strategy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France.  The meeting was also attended by Christophe Manesse, attaché for institutional cooperation of the Embassy of France.

Damir Mukhetdinov greeted the guests on behalf of Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin. He spoke about Islam in Russia, local Muslim religious organizations and their role in the society, as well as the history of Islam in Russia.

He also discussed cooperation with the followers of other religions, which implied establishing an interfaith dialogue, mentioned the issues related to education and activities of Muslim religious organizations and the development of Islamic infrastructure, described the objectives related to the prevention of radicalism and terrorism.

The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere. The guests were given memorable gifts books issued by the Medina publishing house.

After the meeting, a guided tour of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque was offered to Marie Dumoulin and Christophe Manesse.

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