According to the decision of the participants of the Conference the draft of the Resolution will be available on the official website of the organizing committee for ammendments untill October 25.
All the suggestions to be sent by e-mail: dfarmc@gmail.com
International Conference
We, the participants of the International conference “Russia and the Islamic
world: Partnership for Stability” representing different religious,
non-governmental, public and regional organizations of Russia and the Islamic
world and representatives of Muslim communities of other countries, declare that
in the conditions of the global crises the cooperation between Russia and the
states of Islamic world is an important factor of promoting the new just world
order, as it contributes to strengthening inter-confessional and intercultural
dialogue and international humanitarian interaction for the benefit of all
peoples. We are deeply convinced that the partnership between
Islam as a universally recognized factor of international policy and international cooperation in its spiritual and humanistic tradition has a great potential of tolerance to other faiths and respect for human life, it rejects all forms of inter-ethnic or religious confrontation and radicalism, violence and oppression.
Stressing the above mentioned principles and abiding by them, the participants of the Conference recognize the ever growing importance of the further development and strengthening of all-embracing traditional relations between Russia and the Islamic world, their omnipresent restoration in all the areas where they had been destroyed or seriously deformed in the most part of the XX-th century that has just ended. One of the main means of implementing this program is an ever more active effort to promote the original ideology of Islam, namely, the ideology of temperance (al-vassatyia), the cohorts of which for many centuries promoted the progressive advance and the flourishing of the Islamic civilization; in modern epoch this ideology turns out to be a key issue of overcoming all forms of extremism in the Islamic world, including the religious extremism, and active participation of Muslims in the construction of the mew world order based on sincere mutual trust among the peoples and their conscious aspiration for creative cooperation with one another
The experience of the latest years has persuasively shown that without
efficient effort of the OIC and a number of other respectable Muslim
organizations it will be very difficult to overcome the contradictions among the
Muslims that are still separating them and serve the source of serious tension
and even conflicts. The North Caucasian region of
Recognizing the historic importance of Russia’s joining the OIC the participants of the Conference mention with great satisfaction the ever growing level of both inter-state and international contacts between Russia and the with the whole of the Islamic world. In this connection the work of such Russian and international organizations as the “Strategic Vision Group”Russia and the Islamic world” “Russian Fund for Support of the Islamic science, Culture and Education », «International Non-Government Forum "The dialogue of Civilizations "», «Russian Center for Arab and Islamic Research », «Islamic Cultural Center of Russia », that promote stronger partnership relations between Russia and the Islamic world by the implementation of their projects and programs.
The participants of the conference stress the importance of stimulating
scientific contacts with academic and university research centers of the RF.
These are the centers that carry out both the traditional Islamic studies and do
special research that has become topical in the recent time, namely, the
research in the principles of the Islamic financial system that attracts
everybody’s attention and a possibility of practical use of the mechanisms of
Islamic banking in Russia; an absolute must for achieving this goal is an
undelayable consideration by the plenipotentiary public structures of Russia of
the appropriate legislation and possible amendments to it. Islamic bank
institutions also must consider the operational mechanisms bearing in mind the
specifics of the Russian bank and financial legislation. Without this approach,
according to the experience of the last 15 years, it is impossible to overcome
the obstacles for a fully-fledged launch of Islamic financial institutions in
Supporting the external political initiatives of Russia to provide stability and security in the not-yet –smothered hotbeds of international tension, in particular, in the Middle East, the participants of the Conference pronounce themselves in favor of convening in Moscow a special International conference on the Middle East, that, according to their firm belief, could become a qualitatively new step forward towards overcoming the Arab-Israeli conflict as well creation of a viable state of Palestine.
The participants of the Conference express their deep gratitude to the
Russian government for the excellent possibility to conduct in the very center