Saturday, 15 February 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Documents > RESOLUTION

    of the All-Russian Conference
    "The Muslim clergy and modern challenges to Russia's security"
    Moscow, April 14, 2010
    We, the participants of the All-Russian Conference "The Muslim clergy and modern challenges to Russia's security", realizing the responsibility before God Al-Mighty, before our Homeland and our compatriots, declare the following:

    The Russian Muslim community is facing today a difficult period of its history. The Muslim clergy is facing a hard and major task such as an active participation in solving problems that hardly can be addressed to the state as a whole. It is challenges to Russia as a state. Muslim religious leaders are at the forefront of this struggle, the struggle for a strong and healthy Russia.
    This puts before them, the whole Muslim community, new objectives.Today the next stage in the development of Islam in the modern history of Russia. The phase of the gathering that mainly focused on restoring mosques and promoting activities of communities locally. Today life itself dictates the Muslim clergy to participate in strengthening the state, to improve society and to form a unified Russian society and its identity.
    This was mentioned by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in 2009 in Sochi at the meeting with the heads of republics and religious boards of Muslims of Northern Caucasus. He, in particular, suggested an idea to develop a wide program of measures to overcome radicalism - from the start of the Islamic TV channel to leisure-time activities for youth.
    The radicalization of the part of youth is a process which is now one of the threats to national security and it is fed by underlying factors. This is used by extremists, who hyperbolize the problems of adaptation of Islam in the modern Russian state.
    Therefore the development of theoretical and practical model of Islamic moderation, the formation of Russian Islamic civil identity and integration of Muslim activists in the process of forming Russian civil society and Russian civil nation are urgently needed.

    The reasons for all above mentioned threats and challenges lie not only in socio-economic but also in ideological sphere and demand a set of measures of religious-idealogical and socio-educational nature. As a result of our conference we have developed the following recommendations to the Muslim religious structures of Russia:

    ·               Admit the need for renovation, modernization and new approaches in the work of Muslim organizations.

    ·                Develop a conceptual framework for development of the Russian Ummah in XXI century in the form of a General concept of interaction between Islam, society and state in the third millennium.
     ·            Promote the consolidation of the expert community and Islamic religious elite of Russia by creating a single center to develop conceptual fundamentals for the Russian Ummah.
    ·                Develop mechanisms for the development of the Islamic community in Russia as an integral part of civil society based on traditional values of Islam.  
    ·                Favor the development of Muslim youth movements in order to fully support the younger generations and to prevent the development of radical and extremists movements in this environment.
    ·               Elaborate the policy to multiple-vector unification of the Russian Ummah in the light of the socio-political situation and on the basis of the Quran and Sunnah and constructive understanding age-old traditions of Russian Islam.
    ·                Take a unified, strong and principled position of the Ummah in the civilian counterto Islamophobia, extremism, terrorism and xenophobia.
    ·               Favor the disclosure of the creative and peacekeeping capacity of Islam to strengthen the foundations of the Russian society and state.
    ·                Improve the quality and the volume of the whole complex of Islamic media projects, to create the All-Russian Muslim television.
    ·                In every way to promote further constructive rapprochement between Russia and islamic world.
    ·                Give a new quality to interreligious dialogue and cooperation.
    ·                Develop a long-term Islamic conception of social development to ensure the stability of the Russian state and society, to resolve the issues of internal development of Ummah and to form a unified view of Russian Muslims to solve acute social problems, including the overcoming of the demographic crisis in Russia, countering alcoholism, drug addiction; rejection of immoral and misconduct propaganda in the Media.
    ·                Determine the priorities of multilevel system of Islamic education of Russia reform through creating a body of educational literature and programs of qualified teachers.

    ·                Celebrate the participation of all nations and religions in historical events in the all-Russoan memory centers of war heroes and victims of repression. 


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