Every year, International Holocaust Memorial Days are organized throughout the world. On January 27, RMC deputy chairman Rushan hazrat Abbyasov and deputy head of RMC administration in charge of communication with national communities and religious organizations Renat hazrat Abyanov took part in Holocaust commemoration events at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center on the instructions of RMC Chairman mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin.
Speaking at the event, RMC deputy chairman Rushan hazrat Abbyasov told that World War II was a great catastrophe and a moment of truth for many nations. "And horrible as it was, we still learned one thing from that war: that every ideology based on hatred shall be destroyed, and that an alliance of people united around good and justice shall prevail in the name of peace."
"Nazis posed thread to all those who didn't share their vile ideology. That is why they killed Jews, Russians, Tatars, Poles, Chechens, Mordvins and people of dozens of other nationalities, but—what's more important—all those whom they had slain were sons and daughters of Adam; fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters of millions of unfortunate men and women," added Rushan hazrat Abbyasov.
"The tragedy of Jewish people is an integral part of our common pain, and we must stand united and keep this tragedy in mind to avoid the repeat of such disaster in future," said RMC deputy chairman.
According to Rushan hazrat Abbyasov, "Russian society must become an example for all humanity, for we have established mechanisms that allow us to live in peace and harmony many centuries ago—although nowadays certain destructive forces try to stir up relations between our countrymen, to diminish the great potential of Russia and her core—multicultural and multireligious Russian people."
RMC press service