Saturday, 05 October 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Goals can be achieved only by joint efforts

Speech of the Chairman of the RMC mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin at a meeting with the leadership of government departments of Moscow


Bismillyahir arrahmanir Rahim!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful!

Dear Vladimir Ihosifich! Dear participants! Dear colleagues and friends!

Religious organizations in Russia sees their main task in conserving and augmenting our common heritage. Our goal is to give believers the confidence in the present day, confidence and pride for our country, faith in its future, to bring up this faith in the youth, instilling creative ideals.

Moscow is a capital of Russia, it is here that sets the tone and direction in which the whole country moves and develops. The role of the capital is generally agreed to be a consolidating  in the life of our state.

Muslims have for centuries been living in the Moscow region and at all times share the joys and sorrows of their country, our capital, participating in a peaceful and martial work. Islam as a religion and way of life requires a reasonable approach to solving all of life's problems and worries. In the sermons of contemporary Russian imams, superiors of mosques, there are calls to remember the true values that promote the health of mind and body. We are confident that this is the surest way to save the nation's health, guarantee of preserving the country and the Russian state.

For Islam it is characterized the social orientation of teaching, attention to the problems of the earthly everyday life.

Activities of the Russian Mufties Council is conducted in close collaboration with the Government of Moscow. Two decades of recent history are the time of creation, when, thanks to the initiative and support of Moscow Mayor Yu.M. Luzhkov the Muslim historical mosque in Tatarstan street was returned to Muslims of the capital, along with the temples of the traditional religions the Memorial mosque on Poklonnaya Hill was built. The effective assistance in the organization of Islamic education was provided: the Moscow Islamic University was opened and runs successfully, its graduates lead the religious communities not only in Moscow but also in the regions, successfully work in the field of Islamic education. 

In Russian mosques our Muslim religious leaders have been making efforts to convey the positive force that is inherent in our religion. All the efforts in our educational and scientific activities are also dedicated to the same. In sermons, speeches, books and articles, we strive to give our young people opportunity to take full advantage of invaluable experience of previous generations of Russians, who through their work and exploits created and preserved the great Russian civilization, with its unique practice of coexistence of traditional religions, different ethnic cultures.

The mosque is not only the location of the service, making prayers, the main in mosques are worshipers who receive instruction, spiritual, moral and patriotic education, proper guidance in life.

We always feel assistance and support of municipal authorities  during our events: an Eid ul Bayram and Kurban Bayram in mosques, in organizing and conducting in Moscow international conferences and forums on the development and strengthening of interethnic and interfaith dialogue, conducting socially relevant educational and charitable events , working with youth. It's Moscow International Competition of the Quran recitation, which is included in the list of UNESCO's cultural activities, Ramadan tent, and cultural and educational events dedicated to Maulid - the birthday of the Prophet of Islam, and activities to provide attention and assistance to veterans of World War II, social assistance to needy patients and people with disabilities, as well as work for spiritual assistance and education of prisoners. The direct  involvement of the first persons of the government gives to the events  the weight and gives the confidence to Muslims in recognition of their undoubted merits for the Fatherland and for Moscow. These activities have gained a high international level and show the world that the capital of Russia is the center of spreading the spirit of peace, tolerance, mutual understanding and friendship between different peoples and religions.

A striking example is the celebration of  the century of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque in Moscow, which was held in direct support of the Mayor and the Government of the capital, where the decision on the reconstruction and construction of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, the main mosque in the country, was announced.

The Russian Mufties Councill make great efforts in education to prevent any extremist sentiments and radicalization among Muslim youth, especially among those who came to work in Moscow from the North Caucasus and from foreign countries. These people are often still quite young, divorced from family and parental guidance, to adapt to their new environment city, to preserve the best that they got from the Muslim upbringing and prevention of erroneous actions, so it becomes incredibly important for them to have opportunity to come to the mosque. In mosque they hear the right words and guidance to help them navigate the new environment and prevent from acts that will cause rejection of the capital's residents and can give rise to conflict.

An acute shortage of mosques in Moscow is an objective fact. The need for the construction of temples are well aware of our Orthodox brothers, who will soon build in Moscow, another 200 temple complexes in Moscow as saving people in the bosom of religion helps to spiritually grow up and to protect against mistakes.

Throughout our work we rely on the support and assistance of executive authorities of Moscow departments and committees in realization of our program . In turn, we build our social service in accordance with the city programs.

These are our aims that can be achieved only by combining the efforts of all traditional religions, and with mandatory deepening cooperation with authorities. The experience of two decades of cooperation between state and religion is reflected in the documents and decisions of the Government of Moscow, such as the Order № 1662-RP "On the celebration in Moscow of mass Muslim holidays in the second half of 2010" and other documents. We hope that this experience will continue.

We see our duty and make efforts to ensure that the Muslim Umma of Russia will be actively involved in the creative processes in our country.

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