Monday, 20 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > Conferences > Speeches and Reports > E.Ihsanoglu. The observer status enjoyed by the Russian Federation at the OIC signifies a positive development

Abstract from the address speech of the Secretary General of the OIC to the participants of the International Conference "Russia and the Islamic World: Partnership for the Sake of Stability"

We owe a special tribute and gratitude to H.E. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, the President of the Russian Federation for his kind patronage of this international Conference. It marks the continuation of a process of mutually beneficial engagement between this great country and the Organization of the Islamic Conference that was Initiated in 2003 when the President Vladimir Putin became the first leader outside the Muslim World to address the OIC.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Russia's relations with Islam and the Muslim World are deep seated and rooted in geography and history. Some of the most important chapters of Islamic history were contributed in this part of the world. The geographical proximity and even contiguity with a number of OIC Member Stales has resulted in an interwoven network of links ranging from demography, to culture and economy. Five OIC Member States were a part of the former Soviet Union and vast areas in the southern parts of the Russian Federation and in the Caucuses are predominantly Muslim populated. In fact Muslims form significant component of the population in the Russian Federation. All these facts contribute towards the promising prospects and vast potential attributed to the future of relations between Russia and the Islamic world that form the subject of this important and timely Conference arid must optimally utilized in the interest of global peace, prosperity and stability.

Here I must underscore that the observer status enjoyed by the Russian Federation at the OIC signifies a positive development. I am confident that it would underwrite a bright future for strong relations between Russia and the Islamic world based on mutual benefit and rich political, economic and cultural content. Celebrating its fortieth anniversary, OIC forms the second largest international organization with 57 Member State. It is essentially a political organization that has recently been revitalized by a new Charter and embarked on the implementation of a Ten Years Programme of Action motivated by and representing the Member States' collective will to meet the existing and emerging challenges. This Programme reflects a clear vision and a heavy agenda that must be covered in a time bound framework in the, political, economic, developmental, scientific and technological as well as social and cultural spheres. The challenges in each of these spheres are considerable and continue to be compounded mainly by situations political conflicts and underdevelopment. Under these circumstances and given the important role and weight that the Russian Federation bears in the international community as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, it is important that we must have consultations and cooperation with our observer member the Russian Federation on all these issues.

Excellencies, Distinguished participants,

Inspired by the Ten Year Programme of Action and based on an unflinching commitment to constructive and sustained engagement, OIC is currently engaged in a determined effort to counter the phenomenon of Islamophobia. I have been repeatedly drawing attention to the need for a historic reconciliation between the adherents of the two largest religions of the world namely Islam & Christianity as a step which will contribute significantly to global peace, security and stability. As an observer member in the OIC, Russian Federation can play an. important role towards supporting OIC positions at the UN and other international fora on important issues of common concern. We have been witnessing such cooperation with particular reference to the resolution on defamation of religions and hope that it would continue to contribute towards our common resolve to promoting a culture of peace, dialogue, respect and understanding in the international community. Let me conclude by extending my best wishes for successful deliberations and reiterating my call for promoting the Strategic Vision project for forging strengthened ties of cooperation in the future between the Russian Federation and the Muslim World.

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