Tuesday, 21 January 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > Muslim civil rights > SAMER calls for a proper investigation of a murder of migrant worker in Kaluga Oblast

Chairman of Russia Muftis Council and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of European Russia mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin forwarded letters to the governor of Kaluga Oblast A. Artamonov and the Chief of Department of Internal Affairs of Kaluga Oblast S. Bachurin concerning the tragic death of an immigrant worker in the city of Balabanovo.

The tragedy happened in late May. A group of young people aged 17-20 attacked the employees of a private bakery, part-time workers from Uzbekistan. A 33-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan died after a series of blows on his head, two more workers were injured. All of them are active members of the Muslim community of Maloyaroslavets city of Kaluga Oblast, including the one who was studying basics of Islam in local community. Chairman and imam of the Muslim religious community of Maloyaroslavets Rinat Batkaev expressed his anger and deepest concern in relation to this crime. Community organized fundraising for the family of the deceased worker who left two children as well as the families of the injured who also have underage children.

In his letter to the governor and police chief of Kaluga Oblast mufti sheikh express his concern over the fact of unmotivated attacks on Muslim migrant workers, and called for a comprehensive and objective investigation. He also expressed hope that criminals will be brought to justice and suggested that a representative of Kaluga authorities visits Muslim community of Maloyaroslavets to discuss the situation with members of the migrant community.

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