Wednesday, 23 October 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > Muslim civil rights > A new act in the festival of regional bans

As it became known on Thursday, October 9, Apastovo regional court of Tatarstan declared "extremist" the 52nd book of the hadith collection of imam al-Bukhari. The court prohibited its distribution.

Sahih al-Bukhari is one of the six main hadith collections dated VIII century. The Russian translation of Vladimir Nirsha was published in 2002 and 2003, according to analytical news site ANSAR.RU.

According to the prosecutor's office of the Apastovsky District of Tatarstan, the text "advocates the exceptionalism of one of the world religions."

On the basis of the determination of the assistant judge of Tatartstan Ruslan Galliev, "militant Islam" <...> "incites national, religious hatred."

"Imam Bukhari is the name that brings awe into the heart of every Muslim. He was one of the greatest scholars and founder of the hadith science. His reputable hadith collection "Jami as-Sahih" which was compiled in VIII century that you are trying to ban is the second most authentic book of Islam after the Holy Qur'an. According to this logic, you must ban books of all religions without exception, for each of us considers his own faith to be true and unique," said the address of the co-chairman of Russia Muftis Council Muqaddas hazrat Bibarsov to the "experts" that he posted in one of the social networks.

The ruling of the court has not come into effect yet. After it comes into effect, the book will be added to the Federal extremist list and the Unified register of domain names containing information, distribution of which in Russia is prohibited.

It is worth reminding that the problem of wrongful bans of Islamic literature was once again voiced by mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin during VI Majlis Congress of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of European Russia on September 21, 2014. With deep regret, he said, we witness bans of books that are a product of classical scholarship and are highly valued and reputed in whole Islamic world. "The banned books absolutely don't deserve it. They are classical theological works," stressed mufti.

The spiritual leader shared the RMC position on the expert review of Muslim religious literature. "We hold it that believers, especially those without knowledge of the very basics of Islam should be protected from extremist sectarian literature. But the right to declare what's harmful and bad and what's good and useful must rest not in ignorant Islamophobes who aren't even familiar with Arabic script but universally recognised specialists in the field of Islam, such as Mikhail Piotrovsky, Vitaly Naumkin, Mikhail Meier, Dmitry Frolov, Said Kamilev, Aydar Khabutdinov and others," said mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin.

According to the mufti, the procedure of the inclusion of certain books into the list of banned literature by courts needs to be revised.

"We believe that the ruling of Apastovo regional court is wrong. Analysing an extremely important, millennia-old text using method applied to modern leaflets is incorrect, to say the least (we could declare Bible to be "extremist" too under such criteria). As for the the accusation in advocating the exclusiveness of a certain faith, it cannot be considered extremism since it contradicts both the law and the common sense," says the website of a human rights organisation "Sova".

Web portal "Muslims of Russia" ( reminds the words of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin about the level of religious literature voiced by him in October 2013 during his meeting with the heads of largest centralised Muslim organisations of Russia.

"It is also imperative to create religious law institutions capable of providing a qualified assessment of a particular text. These institutions should be open to Islamic spiritual leaders as well as experts in law and linguistics. <...> That way, the Russian Islamic community will be able to independently prevent the spread of publications of destructive, extremist nature. Today, as you also know, it is mainly the government, which is forced to take prohibitive measures with regard to such literature; but as you know, this is not always successful, and indeed, often has the opposite effect. Prohibitions do not work well, or have the opposite effect from the one desired. We need to convince people and explain to them what is right and good, and what constitutes lies and hatred."

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