Saturday, 25 January 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > News > Information cooperation between Russian and Turkish Muslims

Information cooperation between Russian and Turkish Muslims Rushan Abbyasov, first deputy chairman of the Russia Muftis Council, deputy chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, met with Cafer Tayyar Doymaz, head of the Department of Religious Publications of the Directorate of Religious Affairs of Türkiye. The meeting was attended by Omar Faruk Savuran, Advisor for Religious Affairs at the Embassy of Türkiye in Moscow, and his assistant Rais Yanglichev.

During the meeting Rushan Abbyasov conveyed greetings from Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin to Dr Ali Erbas, head of Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs.

Mr Tayyar Doymaz provided information abouth the activities of his department, published editions and ongoing media projects. Rushan Abbyasov also shared the experience of the RBMRF and the Russian ummah related to publishing religious and educational books, as well as ethnographic works, making documentaries on the Muslim peoples of Russia and reports on the life of the Muslim Ummah, developing various distribution channels.

The parties noted that sharing their experience in the information field would be mutually beneficial and agreed to develop further cooperation.

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