Sunday, 19 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > News > Strengthening of brotherly relations through sports competitions

April 29 was in Zvenigorod 2nd championship in a mini-football among the Muslim communities of the Moscow region was held. 11 teams came to the tournament.  Sports teams of football players represented the Muslim communities of Noginsk, Lyubertsy, Zvenigorod, Pavlovsky Posad, Shchelkovo, Sergiev Posad, Orekhovo, Podolsk, Kolomna, Pushkin, Kupavna.

The Organizers of the sporting event were: Muhtasibat of Moscow Region, Zvenigorod MROM "Ummah Islamia," the administration of municipal district of Zvenigorod, Council on interethnic and interfaith relations of the urban district Zvenigorod, UFSKN of Moscow region. The event was held with the support of "Faid" and the International Centre for Standardization and Certification "Halal" of the Russian Muftis Council.

Before the tournament the Deputy Head of Administration of the town D. A. Shikov and the imam- mukhtasib of the Moscow region Rushan hazrat Abbyasov made their welcoming speeches for the gathered.

In his address, Rushan hazrat noted that this year the tournament involved the three teams additionally to last year number and reminded the audience the content of the hadith: "The strong believer is better in the sight of Allah and loved by Him more than a weak believer, though in each (of them) the good contains". According to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAS) taking sports, monitoring the physical health is a good thing. "

Imam Mukhtasib of Moscow Region thanked the organizers of this event and the administration of the City of Zvenigorod for providing the Sports Palace, drew attention to the fact that one of the purposes of such events was informal interaction between the communities. Muslims, participating in such events can communicate with their co-religionists from other cities; find out the news of life in neighboring communities to expand their horizons.

Also, the deputy chief of interagency cooperation in the field of prevention, the police lieutenant of the Office of Drug Control Service of Russia of Moscow region, B.A. Panin said his greetings and good wishes, peace, prosperity and success for the gathered.

The competition was held in a friendly and competitive atmosphere. Fans and players were happy to communicate with each other. There were many smiles and kind words, hugs and handshakes of friendship. All team members received diplomas and gifts. The team won the city of Kolomna tournament and deservedly won the Cup. The second and third places went to teams of Noginsk and Orekhovo.

June 23 this year Team-winners will meet with teams, winners of the tournament among the Muslim community in Moscow at the annual Sabantuy, which will be held in Noginsk this year.

After the close ceremony of the tournament and shared photos the teams visited the mosque of the town of Zvenigorod, where they made ??a joint prayer, after which all the participants shared a delicious dinner.

After lunch, Rushan hazrat and all the players-Muslims and guests of the holiday reading the sura "Al-Fatiha," turned to God with a prayer for peace and understanding.

Press Service of the Muhtasibat of the Moscow region.

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