On December 3, 2009 under a short-term training program “Islamic finance” a lecture “The practice and problems of Islamic Banking in Malaysia and Southeast Asia” is to be held with assistance of the Russia Mufties Council at the Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS.
The lectures will be delivered by:
This lecture is part of the block “Islamic finance in the different countries of the world” under the short-term course “Islamic finance”, arranged by the MIRBIS Institute jointly with RMC. The Duration of the lecture is four academic hours.
The cost of attendance at the lecture of Malaysian experts is 2000 rubles.
The lecture is to be held on 3d of December, 2009 at the MIRBIS Institute.
The beginning of the lecture is at 18:30.
Contact information for registration:
109147, Moscow, st. Marxist, 34, Bldg. 7 (m Marxist), tel: 8 (495) 921-41-80, fax: 8 (495) 662-78-82, e-mail: arabcenter@mirbis.ru
The Department of Economic programs of RMC, tel.: 8 (495) 6490463.