Tuesday, 21 January 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Islam and Economics > Halal covers more business spaces

This year, more than 100 companies participated in the Third  Moscow International Halal Exhibition - Moscow Halal Expo 2012.  The products and services of both domestic and foreign manufacturers picturewere represented at the exhibition. The delegations arrived from Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, UAE, South Africa, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, France, Poland, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, the United Kingdom and others visited the exhibition. Among the Russian regions Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Mordovia, Dagestan and the Chechen Republic participated more actively. 

The largest number of exhibitors were food. So, LLC "Chelny-Broiler", which produces products "Halal" since 2004, exhibited a variety of semi-finished products from the meat of broiler chickens, by-products, finished products of poultry meat in the form of sausages, rolls, etc. Among the other producers of halal meat products - JSC "Elinar-Broiler" - poultry complex of full cycle, that produces more than 100 kinds of chilled products under the brand name "First Freshness", LLC "AGROIMPEKS 2000" is engaged in processing and production of fish delicacies without dyes or preservatives since 2000; meat processing plant "SAFA" representing products in the form of sausages, hams, sausages, sausages made of horse meat, beef, lamb and poultry; a group of companies "Tsaritsino" - one of the largest producers of "Halal" in Russia, etc. 

picture2In the stands you could find halal food and other products: dairy products of JSC "Lactis" under the brand names "Snowball", "Timeless Meadow," "Rapture," "Megabio", "Dolcheva" and "Dar";  oriental sweets from the LLC "Bayar "- a leading manufacturer of oriental confection chak-chak. PINHAS - Russia's largest factory -kitchen, which produces flight catering according to the national and religious characteristics, and a network of fast-food restaurants "Lebanon House» with its own cafes in many shopping centers in Moscow also represented their products. The Restaurant "Pasha" treated to the most exquisite Arabic spicy dishes, offered a menu of European and Japanese cuisine and national Russian dishes, and the restaurant "Inzhir" offers visitors the Azerbaijani and Turkish cuisine.

As you may know, halal - is not only food products, and this is confirmed by stands of the companies that operate in areas other than food. This is for example "Najm Tour" - the first officially registered company in Russia, created specifically for the organization of the Hajj and Umrah; the general partner of the Exhibition – an Internet pojekt «Salamworld»; manufacturers of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Collections of Muslim clothing was presented by the Fashion house of Saher Rahmani - the first and only of its kind the Moscow studio, dedicated to individual tailoring according to order, as well as providing clothing for sale, Fashion House "Firdaus" of Medni Kadyrova - Lady of the Chechen Republic President - with its airy, romantic dresses of great beauty; brands «IRADA» and «Rezeda Suleyman». 

Publishing house "Marjani" offers academic, spiritual, educational, scientific and popular literature to its guests; LLC "Sultan" - elaborately embroidered carpets; and financial organizations and educational


institutions acquaint visitors with their services. 

Such a variety of halal products and services is not only a pleasant surprise and delights the eye, but also makes sure that the halal industry is really growing, and growing rapidly both on the demand and supply levels.

Source: MuslimEco.ru

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