Saturday, 27 July 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Congratulations > Congratulations to mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin

Congratulations of sheikh al-Karadagi to the head of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation.

The General Secretary of the International Union of Muslim Scholars Ali Muheddin al-Karadagi sent his congratulations to mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin on the occasion of creation and official registration of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation and the election of mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin as its first Chairman.

To the honourable Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation (may Allah guide and protect him!)

Peace be upon you, mercy of Allah and His blessings!

On behalf of me personally and the whole International Union of Muslim Scholars, let me congratulate you with big confidence and serious responsibilities entrusted to you.

We wish you good health and new successes. I am sure that your work will become a sizeable contribution to our common job, and without doubt, strengthen the relations between the International Union of Muslim Scholars on one side and Russia's Muslims, on another one, and expand the horizons of our cooperation in all areas for the good of all Muslim nations and all humanity.

The International Union of Muslim Scholars, in its turn, is ready to cooperate to fulfil our long-cherished goals. "And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people" (Qur'an, 2:143).

And let me heartily congratulate you once again.

Peace to you, mercy of Allah and His blessings!

Your loving brother, Secretary General of the International Union of Islamic Scholars

Sheikh Dr Ali Muheddin al-Karadagi

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