Sunday, 26 January 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > RMC > Statements > PRESS RELEASE

April 26, 2012 in Moscow (hall "Saturn" of "Space" Hotel, metro Exhibition Center (VDNH), Prospect Mira, 150) a historic event will take place: the All-Russia Congress of Muslim women "Muslim women in the XXI century, its role in society". The event is held under the patronage of the Chairman of the Russian Muftis Council Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin.

The leaders of women's organizations in Russia, CIS countries, Kuwait, Germany, Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran, scientists and government officials and the public were invited to participate in the Congress.

Registration will start at 9:30 a.m. The event starts at 10.00.

Organizer: The Russian Muftis Council.

Organizer: NGO "Union of Muslim women of Tatarstan".

Media accreditation is carried out until April 24,18.00 p.m.

Tel.: 8-915-386-81-68, 8-495-681-73-72 (ext. 125)

e-mail:  with note "to the press center."

Contact people:

Gaidarova Oksana Agamirzoevna,

Mubinova Guzel Vafaevna

For accreditation the following information should be provided:

- Name of media

- Name and surname, passport details of correspondents

- Phone and e-mail of contact person

- List of equipment

Those wishing to attend the Congress may also apply their request at web-site:

Inquiries by phone: 8-495-681-73-72 (ext. 125)

Contact person: Mubinova Guzel Vafaevna

Almost a century ago, in 1917 Moscow hosted the First Russian Congress of Muslim women, whose purpose was: to develop common views on the role of women in family and society. It was attended by about 100 delegates from all over Russia, more than 300 guests.

In the XXI century, in a steady increase in the desire of Muslim women to the spiritual and moral perfection and the defense of active life position it is still relevant - to determine the role of women in modern society, to name ways to enhance the activities of women in many spheres of public life, including the strengthening of moral foundations of society.

The main objective of this congress is to establish a public organization "All-Russian Union of Muslim women."


April 26, 2012, the Hall of "Saturn" of the "Space" Hotel



The output of the press


Plenary session

12.00 - 13.30

Break for prayer, Coffee Break


Plenary Session





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