Saturday, 08 February 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > International > A memorandum of understanding between the Muslims of Russia and Morocco signed in Kremlin

A memorandum of understanding between the Muslims of Russia and Morocco signed in Kremlin On Tuesday, March 15, a historical event took place in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow: within the framework of high-level meeting between the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and His Majesty King of Morocco Mohammed VI, a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in Islamic sphere was signed between the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco and Russia Muftis Council.

The right to sign such an important document on the Moroccan part was given to the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs of the county Mr. Ahmed Toufiq. The Russian party was represented by the Chairman of Russia Muftis Council and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation, member of the Advisory Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations at the Seat of the President of the Russian Federation mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin.

The goal of the memorandum is strengthening bilateral cooperation between the countries in the areas of culture and Islamic religion. Both parties agree on the importance of spreading Islamic culture, interfaith peacebuilding, spreading the true knowledge of Islam and its tolerance and moderation, and the importance of countering radicalism and extremist teachings disguising themselves as Islam.

According to the document, Moroccan and Russian parties will deepen their cooperation in cultural, religious, educational and other fields. They will exchange mutual invitations to various research-to-practice seminars and conferences, cooperate in publishing and the exchange of research papers, seek consensus on various international issues.

"A special article of the agreement was devoted to outlining the adherence to the 'middle way' and moderation in spreading Islam and rejection of radicalism and extremism hiding under the mask of Islam. Both parties put special emphasis on the moral values, tolerance and openness that Islam advocates for", said Rushan hazrat Abbyasov who was present at the signing ceremony.

RMC press service

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