Thursday, 16 January 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > International > Extending cooperation with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs of Saudi Arabia

Extending cooperation with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs of Saudi Arabia On January 12, the joint delegation of Russia Muftis Council and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation met with the Minister of Islamic Affairs of Saudi Arabia Salih ibn Abdul-Aziz Al ash-Sheikh in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The meeting was also attended by the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Russia in Saudi Arabia, permanent representative of Russia in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Oleg Ozerov, heads of the ministry's departments and the head of RMC and SAM RF international departments Ildar Galeev.

During the meeting, Rushan hazrat conveyed the greetings of RMC and SAM RF Chairman mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin to the Saudi party. He told the minister of the projects and activities of Muslims in Russia, stressing the fact that Russia's Muslims are native to the country and are involved in all social processes in Russia, organizing and taking part in forums and conferences, important cultural and social projects aimed at the development of interfaith and interethnic dialogue in the country.

Rushan hazrat Abbyasov thanked the Saudi party for their help in restoring the Muslim infrastructure in Russia, training qualified teachers and imams that are now actively involved in educational and public activities both in Moscow and the other regions.

Minister Salih ibn Abdul-Aziz Al ash-Sheikh, on his part, thanked the Russian delegation for the visit and assured them that the ministry is ready for all kinds of cooperation with Russia's Muslims.

"At this time our main priority in cooperation is prevention of terrorism and extremism. The ministry has established a number of online programs aimed at building of a dialogue with young people that came under the influence of extremist ideologies that are alien to Islam. More than 40% of the young people who were involved in these programs abandoned their former extremist beliefs. This, in my opinion, is a good result", said sheikh Salih Al ash-Sheikh.

"I gladly accept the invitation of mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin to come to Russia with an official visit. Cooperation between our nations and people is very important to us", said the Saudi official.

The parties agreed to signing a memorandum of understanding and cooperation during the forthcoming visit of the Saudi party to Moscow.

In the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to widen their cooperation in joint projects aimed at preservation and promotion of the true values of Islam.

Rushan hazrat Abbyasov also attended a number of meetings with the minister's deputies and heads of the ministry's departments to discuss the details of further cooperation and projects that could be organized together.

RMC press service

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