The holiday sermon of the Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin (Kurban Bayram), 06/11/2011
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, the owner of Greatness, Power and Glory! Peace and greetings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad (sallyalahu alyayhi wa salam), may Allah bless him and welcome), who was sent as a mercy for the worlds and became the last of the prophets and messengers of Allah, who fulfilled his mission, bringing us to the truth of Islam! Also, our greetings and prayers goes to his family and companions, and those who followed the path of truth with good deeds!
My dear brothers and sisters!
This morning, waking up at dawn, having made the morning prayer, reading "takbirat-tashrik", ready to go to the mosque to be on this blessed day of Kurban Bayram among the league of our fellow believers, we are turning faces toward the Kaaba praying to our Creator , Lord of the Worlds Allah ta'ala. And in those moments we feel a sense of togetherness and unity with those who at this hour is not far from the Holy Land – the reserved Haram Sharif mosque and those who are near the Kaaba, feeling the spiritual unity with the millions of pilgrims and those who are in their countries and make a festive prayer, glorifiing God and saying:"Allahu Akbar - Allah is the Lord - above all! There is no God but Him! Lord God - above all, and only true praise to Him”!
My dear fellows!
My dear fellow countrymen!
One of the main holidays of Islam - Eid al-Adha - Eid al Fitr - the Feast of Sacrifice has come.
I cordially welcome you with the traditional Muslim greeting:
Assalam wa wa rahmatullahi alyaykum barakatuhu!
Peace to you, Allah's mercy and His blessings!
Dear fellows - Muslims! Dear my fellow countrymen!
On the sacred for every Muslim of the world land in Saudi Arabia, where Hajj – the rituals of the Muslim pilgrimage are performed - gathered around three million pilgrims from all over the world. Among them about 23 thousand of our Russian pilgrims performed the Hajj. On this blessed day, we pray to Almighty Allah bless us all, accept the Hajj of pilgrims, who after Hajj are purified from sin, and become as sinless newborn babes, and pray that they with great joy at the accomplishment of Allah, came back in good health to their homeland. For good causes in the way of Allah, our Prophet, to the delight of the Ummah and pilgrims, said: "The reward for a great blissful pilgrimage can only be a paradise!"Taking this opportunity given by the Russian state television channel "Russia-1", I would like to convey warm greetings and congratulations on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Kurban Bayram to all citizens of our country, citizens of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as everyone who has congratulated us, Russian Muslims.
Dear brothers and sisters!
With great pleasure I convey you the greetings of the Russian Federation President – D. A. Medvedev.
To Russian MuslimsI heartily congratulate you on Kurban Bairam. This ancient holiday draws the faithful to the spiritual origins of Islam, teaches to respect high moral and humanistic values common to all world religions??, to goodness, mercy and justice. It is these enduring values ??that should be the moral guide for the younger generation who will soon have to contribute to the development of our state and society.Today the Muslim Ummah of Russia unites millions of people. And its spiritual leaders pay special attention to strengthen the interethnic and interreligious harmony, promote conservation of cultural diversity of the country.I wish you happiness, peace and prosperity.
D. A. Medvedev
The Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has also conveyed his congratulations to us, Russian Muslims.
Dear Mufti! I congratulate you on one of the most revered Muslim holidays Kurban Bairam (the Eid al-Adha), which represents the completion of pilgrimage to holy places - the Hajj. Millions of Russian Muslims welcome the holiday in their own communities and families. Such respect for the centuries-old spiritual tradition is bringing people closer together, to the ideals of unity, goodness and mercy. It is important that federal and regional authorities to render necessary assistance in organizing the hajj and conducting the festivities. The Muslim community of Russia actively participates in the life of our country, makes a significant contribution to improve the spiritual and moral education of youth, promoting interfaith dialogue. And, of course, its activities are essential to maintain interethnic peace and civil accord in society. I wish you and your congregation, family and friends, health and happiness, home warmth and success.
V. V. Putin.
Congratulations of S. Sobyanin.
Dear Mufti!I heartily congratulate you and on your person all the Muslim Ummah of the Russian capital with a light holiday of Eid al-Adha!I highly appreciate your efficient work in good harmony with the other traditional religions for the benefit of strengthening friendship and mutual understanding in our multicultural city. Moscow Muslims make a major contribution to the establishment of socio-economic stability, development of a constructive dialogue in our ethno-cultural society.I am convinced that the Muslim Muscovites will continue to cherish and augment the glorious old traditions of our beloved capital, to do everything for its further harmonious development. We wish you, dear mufti, all Muslims in Moscow and Russia good health, prosperity and great success!
S. S. Sobyanin
We sincerely thank everyone who has congratulated us on the occasion of Eid-al Adha, and wish you peace, prosperity and grace of Almighty Allah!
Dear brothers and sisters!
We turn to our Lord Allah ta'ala praising Him and begin to pray Eid celebration of the Great Al-Adha Eid with all the takbirs.
Extracts from the Holiday speech of the Mufti Sheikh Ravil