Saturday, 15 February 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > The Magazine Offered its Apology to the Muslims

Information agencies published apologies of the editorial board of the magazine Russian New sweek to everyone who might have been hurt by the illustration in the publication devoted to the Islam development in Europe.

“We did not imply any provocation or challenge. We would like to stress that we didn’t aim at attracting attention by this publication once again to the painful topic that had been aroused in Europe three years ago”, - told chief editor of the magazine Michael Fishman to Interfax. He also stressed that his edition is a news magazine whose objective is to write about actual processes in the country and abroad.  The fact that at the same time two other magazines published articles devoted to this topic stress the relevance of the topic. From the article that we published it is clear that we didn’t want to insult anybody”, - noted M. Fishman.

At the same time he acknowledged that there have been a sad omission on the part of the magazine that it didn’t ay enough attention to the preparation of the reference material. The reaction of the magazine followed after Russia Mufties Council with indignation received the fact of reprinting the caricatures on the Prophet Muhammad in the magazine Russian Newsweek .

“Such publications are a serious insult to religious feelings of each Muslim, similarly to any insult to a relic of any religion. Such publication much be prosecuted as they can lead to a serious interconfessional conflict.”, - read the announcement of Russia Mufties Council

Moscow, October 15, INTERFAX - RELIGIONS

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