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"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > To live according to the commandments of the Holy Quran

A Russian Hafiz took part in competition of readers of the Quran in Bahrain

In the beginning of December in Manama, capital of Bahrain, the international competition of readers of the Quran «
Sayed Dzhunayd» took place. The competition in a nomination Knowledge of the Quran by heart, passed in a building of the Cultural Islamic center of Bahrain on a large scale, having presented readers from 48 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Arabian Peninsula.

First three prize-winning places were occupied with participants from Morocco, Libya and Guinea.

The Minister of religious affairs and management of the Islamic finance handed over awards to winners: 10000 dinars for the first place, 8000 and 6000 thousand dinars for the second and third places accordingly. Precious presents were also handed over other participants.  

This year Russia was represented by Ali Yakupov, the winner of selection round among Russians at 12 International Moscow competitions of readers of the Quran, a student of the Islamic University in Syria.

As the head of Department of abroad education at the International department of Russian Muftis Council Indira Hajretdinova informed, this year Russian Hafiz took part at competitions in such countries, as Iran, Algeria, Egypt, Malaysia, and Croatia.

«We are glad that the practice of
sending and receiving in native country Hafizes of the Holy Quran develops and allows good stimulus to Islamic youth to develop themselves in this direction. In the near future competitions will be held in Saudi Arabia and Sudan, and the next year, as it is a good tradition already, we will receieve respectable Hafizes at 13 International competition of readers of the Quran which will take place in the autumn of 2012».

The purpose of
such contests is not a recitation of the Quran to achieve better award places, but familiarity of Hafizes of the Holy Quran recitation with each other, encouraging people to memorize the Quran by heart and to live according to the Holy Quran canons, it is a call to Muslims to Single Word and to strengthen our hearts in love, mercy, compassion , responsiveness, and help each other.

December 6, 2011

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