Sunday, 19 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > News > The meaning of constitutional maxim of social state is in mutual responsibility of state, society, business and every citizen

The meaning of constitutional maxim of social state is in mutual responsibility of state, society, business and every citizen Chairman of Russia Muftis Council mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin took part in today's meeting in Kremlin devoted to the Day of the Constitution.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin delivered his annual presidential address to the Federal Assembly in St George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. Leaders of traditional religions of Russia were traditionally invited to take part in the event.

In the very beginning of his address, President said that the Constitution brings together two fundamental priorities—the supreme value of rights and freedoms of citizens and a strong state, emphasising their mutual obligation to respect and protect each other. "I am convinced that the constitutional framework must be stable, above all in what concerns its second chapter, which defines the rights and freedoms of individuals and citizens," said the President.

"I think that it is impossible to elaborate policies following a formal approach. Yes, of course we all know that economic trends may and do change. But that is no reason to talk about revising our goals. We need to do real work, seek solutions, and clearly lay out budgetary and other priorities," he said.

President Putin touched on many pressing issues in social, economical, military and political spheres. In particular, he shared his opinion on the rising ethnic tensions. Here is an excerpt from his speech as cited on the official site of the President of the Russian Federation:

"The most important topic requiring frank discussion in our society today is interethnic relations. This one topic concentrates many of our problems: challenges relating to socio-economic and regional development, corruption, shortcomings in the work of public institutions, and of course failures in educational and cultural policies, which often produce a distorted understanding of the true causes of interethnic tensions.

Such tensions are not provoked by representatives of particular nationalities, but by people devoid of culture and respect for traditions, both their own and those of others. They represent a kind of Amoral International, which comprises rowdy, insolent people from certain southern Russian regions, corrupt law enforcement officials who cover for ethnic mafias, so-called Russian nationalists, various kinds of separatists who are ready to turn any common tragedy into an excuse for vandalism and bloody rampage.

Together we must rise to the challenge; we must safeguard interethnic peace and thus the unity of our society, the unity and integrity of the Russian state.

It is our duty to increase people’s trust. Only in this way will we be able to increase the activity of our citizens, and people will want to contribute to our country’s development.

Let me repeat that if a decision has been made, then it must be implemented. I consider this approach to be a concise expression of shared responsibility, and would suggest making this the motto of the coming year, a motto for everyone: for the government, for society, for citizens.

I am absolutely convinced that by drawing on the best traditions of our people, by using the latest ideas and most effective development paths, we will meet all the challenges we face and guarantee our success.

Russia Muftis Council based on materials from

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